Kinetica Media has published a list of best practises for email marketing. This is a good list, however I would caution against #4 (Mail out on Tuesday or Wednesday).

Day of delivery will vary by your consumers and they type of program your running. Something else to consider about an absolute statement like this is to consider the implications of everyone mailing on these two days – your messaging will get lost in the flood and users will be nearly as responsive because of the excess noise in their inbox.

On my review I would recommend the following as the most important on the list:

2. Personalize

  • This is important for building a dialogue with consumers and making them feel less like a number when working within your program.

5. Confirm Signups

  • This is the best way to verify your consumer subscription is valid

6. Repeat Email Communication

  • I would change this to read send a welcome message in real time vs 1 hour later.

7. Make it Consistent

  • Great idea – send me a message every day/week/month and at the same time.

10. Have Interesting Content at the Top

  • Like a newspaper would read, the best and most important content should be above the fold.