Q: Hello EmailKarma.net

I am currently trying to contact someone at the FiveTenOptin block list. They are carrying this message for all of the IP addresses that we own:

Reports CNAME of [removed].com.bulk.blackholes.five-ten-sg.com.
TXT= “added 2007-05-30; unconfirmed mailing lists”

Do you know where I can find information on contacting them to get this message removed?

Are you using a reputation monitoring service that is flagging this as an issue? In all honestly don’t waste your time or energy on this list… Here is a graph showing the false positive stats on FiveTen, as tracked by DNSBL Resource. You’ll see that they consistently block more ham then spam, and that only a few domains use them. It appears your being listed under the “bulk” flag for this list.

Description: Bulk mailers that don’t require closed loop confirmed opt-in from all their customers.

The list is full of issues and for most people it is truly a non-issue (affecting only a tiny portion of your list) when it comes to delivery. Asking the domains that are using this to white list your mail or showing them the inaccuracies (DNSBL report) with this list are probably the best way to go forward with this. If your determined to try the contact page to reach them.

Good luck.