Today on the AOL Postmaster Blog they announced a new set of “Web Support Tools” these are currently in Beta, so don’t expect everything to be perfect while using them, but I expect few issues as these are well tested before getting to Beta.

From AOL:

The AOL Postmaster Team is pleased to announce the beta of our new web support tool for delivery issues. Please feel free to test it out and give us your thoughts and feedback. We hope it will provide a way for mailers to get help and resolution more quickly than ever before!

It must be stressed, though, that this is just a beta, and problems could arise.

Give these tools a try and post some feed back to AOL or leave me a comment and I’ll pass them along to the right people @ AOL.

The tools look like they are split into the three most common support requests made to AOL (at least from my experience):

* FBL Modification/Deletion Request ToolFeedBack Loop tools
* RTR/RLY/DNS Block Removal Request Tool — General Configuration Type issues
* HVU Inquiry/Removal Tool — Spam Blocking issues

For a full list of errors returned during email delivery by AOL, check out their “Error Messages” list.