Real Marketing Real FastI was recently invited to be a guest on the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast hosted by Doug Morneau. We talked about email best practices, the tools available from 250ok and how marketers can use them to push their marketing to new levels.

Doug has made a summary of the podcast available on his site at: EMAIL ANALYTICS FROM A HOLISTIC POINT OF VIEW

Doug’s Key takeaways from our conversation include:

  1. Improving your email deliverability by even a slight margin can improve sales a great deal
  2. 250ok provides a tool that allows you to track the deliverability of your email on multiple platforms and Email Service Providers
  3. Matt enjoyed working with 250ok so much that when the chance to work for them came up he jumped at the chance

The entire episode is about 35 minutes so give yourself some time to listen to it and Let me know what you think.


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