After today’s Email Marketer’s Club newsletter went out Tamara and I got talking about subject line writing (BTW – I wrote todays – 15+% Open Rate in the first hour!). So I started to brag about my skills – then Tamara through down a challenge to me – Next time we run an A/B split and see who has the better skills for subject line writing…

Now I’m not about to turn down that kind of challenge, I can write a mean subject line especially when the challenge is put forth. (Member’s only – it’s free to join!)

So here is the deal…

We are going to setup a little challenge – just like the TV show Iron Chief – you sign up to battle in the EMC Subject Line Kitchen, and we will let you choose who to face off against. Tamara or myself… We will keep a running tab on the messages that are being sent – and to make it fair the numbers will show the winner (opens, clicks, etc…) for each segment.

Splits and message metrics will be determined by the (Mailchip) system so they should be fairly random each time they are sent and consistently measured.

Scores will be kept and bragging rights will be dolled out to the winners (if we can find other stuff then maybe we will give that away too – no promises though).

Think you got what it takes? Prove it! We might just make you the next EMC Iron Chief. We will take challengers as they come, so register early!