Yesterday at approximately 11:15 AM EST, everyone participating in the AOL FBL to switch over to the new ARF (more on ARF) format. You will notice a new subject line for these messages that will make abusive IP tracking easier

OLD:  “Client TOS Notification”
NEW: “Email Feedback Report for

And a new message in the body of these reports:


Your feedback loop has been converted to Abuse Reporting Format (
ARF).AOL announced on June 27 that all feedback loops will be converted to ARF on September 2, 2008.  We no longer offer or support the traditional AOL feedback loop format. 

Read our announcement of the FBL conversion

For information about how AOL uses ARF, visit our website.  This page contains links to information about ARF and describes how ARF differs from the former AOL FBL format.  In addition, we have a blog post with information about how to view ARF complaints if you read FBLs manually.

Please do not contact the AOL Postmaster for assistance in processing ARF complaints.

Thank you,
AOL Postmaster

This is an email abuse report for an email message received from IP address XX.XX.XX.XX on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 11:14:11 -0400

For information, please review the top portion of the following page.

For information about AOL E-mail guidelines

If you would like to cancel or change the configuration for your FBL please contact our postmaster help desk. Up to date contact information for the postmaster help desk is located at

Take the time today to review your FBL tools and processes to ensure your current processes are functioning at their normal and expected levels.