Today the New Zealand ‘Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act‘ goes into effect.

Read this short checklist from Scoop:

Step 1- CONSENT – You need the consent of the email recipient in order to send them email messages:

  • Express – Direct indication that it is okay to send messages
  • Inferred – The person you wish to contact has not directly instructed you to send them a message, but it is still clear that there is a reasonable expectation that messages will be sent (i.e. purchase orders)
  • Deemed – Someone conspicuously publishes their work related electronic address or mobile number (i.e. on a website, brochure or magazine). Unless otherwise indicted by the publisher

Step 2 – IDENTIFY – Commercial emails must always clearly identify the business responsible for sending the message and how they can be contacted.

STEP 3 – UNSUBSCRIBE – Commercial emails must contain a functioning unsubscribe facility.

Are you ready?